• Ambientato negli anni '80, Pose è un musical di danza presente su Altadefinizione che esplora la giustapposizione di diversi segmenti della vita e della società di New York: il mondo della cultura del ballo, l'ascesa dell'universo di lusso dell'era di Trump e la scena sociale e letteraria del centro città.

    Lo spettacolo presenta la più vasta quantità di attori transgender, così come il più grande di LGBTQ di sempre per quanto riguarda una serie televisiva. Prendendo spunto da Paris Is Burning, Pose esplora il coraggio e il fascino della vita e della danza degli afroamericani e dei latini di New York.


    Dalla New York anni 80'arriva Pose, la nuova serie tv sulla danza solo su Netflix

    L’ispirazione delle serie by MyMovies


    La nuova serie TV di successo, presentata negli Stati Uniti per la prima volta sul canale FX del 21st Century Fox all'inizio di giugno, mostra di avere molto in comune con altri film drammatici di recente successo, da Mad Men a The Crown to Glow. Tra costumi e musica favolosi si intrecciano le vite di diverse persone, inserite in un contesto dalla condotta sociale, incredibilmente antiquato.

    Tuttavia, a differenza dei programmi televisivi della metà del secolo, per l'ipocrisia che Pose evidenzia, sembra ancora straordinariamente attuale. Forse perché la serie è ambientata nel recente passato di una New York City della fine degli anni '80 e forse anche perché molti dei comportamenti, che questo show mostra come aberranti, in realtà non erano sempre visti così male, nemmeno qualche anno fa.


    Il cast di Pose


    Gravitando nell'orbita della "ball culture”, Damon, interpretato da Ryan Jamaal Swain, un giovane ballerino senza fissa dimora, viene notato dalla star di uno spettacolo di transgender. Entra a far parte di un fremente gruppo di artisti, liberi dalla prigionia delle convenzioni, e per questo emarginati.

    In questo mondo appassionato, pesa la presenza di potenti uomini d'affari come Stan (Evan Peters), che pur essendo fidanzato con la bella Patty (Kate Mara, di House of Cards), si lascia trasportare dal lato selvaggio della ball culture, scoprendosi attratto dalla giovane transessuale Angel (Indya Moore).

    All'apice della sua carriera, corre in aiuto di Stan il suo fidato braccio destro, Matt (James Van Der Beek, l'indimenticabile Dawson di Dawson's Creek.

  • E’ finalmente arrivata su Canale 5 (Mediaset) e CB01 la nuova serie tv animata “Adrian”, ideata e scritta da Adriano Celentano. Racchiude vari generi come drammatico, fantascientifico, comico ed erotico, ed è stato realizzato con nuove tecniche 3D sia per i disegni che per la grafica. E’ una serie innovativa, mai realizzata fin’ora. Persone del calibro di Milo Manara, il più famoso fumettista italiano conosciuto in tutto il mondo, e Nicola Piovani, grande compositore di colonne sonore premio Oscar nel 2009, hanno preso parte al progetto. Prodotto dal Clan Celentano, la serie si divide in 9 episodi.

    Adrian: la nuova serie TV di Canale 5

    Già se ne parlava nel 2005 del progetto “Adrian”, l’idea era di proporre qualcosa di innovativo al pubblico mai visto prima d’ora, con protagonista Adriano Celentano. Il colosso Sky subito si rese interessato al progetto, e nel 2009 stipulò un contratto con il Clan del Cinema di Celentano e venne stabilità la messa in onda della nuova serie : nel 2011. Il budget totale fu 13 milioni di euro per 26 episodi, ma il lavoro non venne portato a termine nella data prestabilita. L’uscita venne slittata all’anno dopo, nel 2012, ma ancora una volta Adriano Celentano fu costretto ad allungare i tempi a causa della complessità e innovatività del progetto. Sky non acconsentì l’ulteriore slittamento al 2014 e cancellò “Adrian” dai palinsesti e chiese la risoluzione del contratto. L’anno dopo Mediaset finanziò il progetto e inserì “Adrian” nelle uscite del 2018. A Gennaio 2019 ecco arrivare i primi 9 episodi, in chiaro su Canale 5.

    La serie è ambientata nella Milano del 2068, un orologiaio ha una storia d’amore con una ragazza e lotta per la libertà in un futuro ormai quasi incontrollabile. Alcuni dei temi trattati sono la violenza sulle donne, l’immigrazione, la disuguaglianza e l’ingiustizia sociale. L’orologiaio viene accusato di furto e nella notte di Capodanno riesce a salire su un palco e cantare “I want to know” che riscuote un successo enorme. Tutti cominciano a cercarlo, ma nessuno lo trova. Dove sarà l’orologiaio, ma soprattutto chi è e cosa ha intenzione di fare ? Se cercate risposte a queste domande, le troverete seguendo la serie “Adrian” su Canale 5.

  • Sources of business finance could be researched under these heads:

    (1) Short Term Finance on Coinmarketcap.click:

    Short-term fund is required to meet the current needs of company. The recent needs might include payment of taxes, wages or salaries, repair costs, payment to creditor etc.. The demand for short-term finance arises because earnings revenues and buy payments aren't perfectly same in all of the time. Sometimes earnings can be reduced when compared with buys. Further earnings might be on charge while buys are on money. So short term fund is required to match those disequilibrium.

    Resources of Short-term fund are as follows:

    (I) Bank Overdraft: Bank overdraft is quite popular source of company finance. Beneath this customer can draw particular amount of cash over and above his first account equilibrium. Thus it's simpler for the businessman to satisfy short term unforeseen expenses.

    (ii) Bill Discounting: Bills of trade could be dismissed in the banks. This gives money to the holder of this invoice that may be employed to fund immediate demands.

    (iii) Advances from Customers: Advances are mostly required and obtained for the affirmation of orders However, these can also be used because of funding the operations required to execute the work sequence.

    (iv) Installment Purchases: Purchasing on installation gives more hours to make payments. The deferred payments function as a source of funding little expenses that should be paid instantly.

    (v) Bill of Lading: Bill of lading and other export and import files function as a promise to carry loan from banks and also loan number may be utilized as fund for a brief period of time.

    (vi) Financial Institutions: Different financial institutions also help businessmen to get out of financial issues by giving short-term loans. Certain co-operative societies may organize short term financial aid for businessmen.

    (vii) Trade Credit: It is the typical practice of these businessmen to purchase raw material, shop and arranges on credit. Such trades lead to raising accounts receivable of their company which should be paid after a specific period of time. Goods are offered on money and payment is made after 30, 60, or 90 days. This enables some freedom to businessmen in fulfilling financial issues.

    (2) Medium Term Finance:

    This fund is needed to fulfill with the medium term (1-5 years) needs of the business enterprise. Such financing are essentially needed for the balancing, modernization and replacement of machines and plant. These are also required for re-engineering of their organization. They help the direction in finishing medium term funding projects within proposed time. Following are the resources of medium term fund:

    (I) Commercial Banks: Commercial banks are the significant source of medium term fund. They supply loans for distinct time-period against proper securities. At the conclusion of conditions the loan may be re-negotiated, if needed.

    (ii) Hire Purchase: Hire buy means purchasing on installments. It permits the company home to possess the essential goods with obligations to be made in future in consented installment. Obviously that a curiosity is obviously charged on outstanding quantity.

    (iii) Financial Institutions: Several financial institutions like SME Bank, Industrial Development Bank, etc., also offer long-term and moderate financing. Besides supplying finance they also supply technical and technical assistance on various matters.

    (iv) Debentures and TFCs: Debentures and TFCs (Terms Finance Certificates) can also be utilized as a supply of moderate term financing. Debentures is an acknowledgement of loan by the provider. It could be of any length as agreed among the parties. The debenture holder loves return in a predetermined interest rate. Under Islamic mode of funding debentures was substituted by TFCs.

    (v) Insurance Companies: Insurance firms have a massive pool of capital given by their policy holders. Insurance businesses grant loans and also make investments from the pool. Such loans would be the origin of medium term funding for a variety of companies.

    (3) Long Term Finance:

    Long term financing are the ones which are demanded on permanent basis or for at least five years past. They're essentially desired to satisfy structural modifications in company or to get hefty modernization expenses. These are also required to initiate a new business strategy or to get a long-term developmental projects. Following are its resources:

    (I) Equity Shares: This procedure is most commonly used throughout the world to increase long-term finance. Equity stocks are payable by people to make the funds base of a massive scale enterprise. The equity share holders stocks the gain and loss of the company. This system is protected and secured, in ways that amount after obtained is just repaid in the time of wounding from the business.

    (ii) Retained Earnings: Retained earnings will be the reservations that are generated in the extra profits. In times of need they may be employed to fund the company undertaking. This is also called ploughing back of profits.

    (iii) Leasing: Leasing can be a supply of long-term finance. With the support of leasing, new equipment could be gotten with no heavy outflow of money.

    (iv) Financial Institutions: Different monetary institutions such as preceding PICIC additionally offer long-term loans to company houses.

    (v) Debentures: Debentures and Participation Term Certificates can also be employed as a source of long-term financing.


    These are numerous sources of fund. In reality there's not any hard and fast rule to distinguish among medium and short term resources or moderate and long-term sources. A source such as commercial lender can supply both a brief term or a long-term loan in line with the demands of customer. But, these resources are often utilized in today's business world for increasing financing.


    your comment
  • Equipment Financing/Leasing

    1 route is gear financing/leasing. Equipment lessors aid small and medium size companies obtain equipment financing and equipment leasing when it isn't readily available to them via their regional community bank.

    The aim to get a provider of wholesale create is to seek out a leasing firm which could assist with all their funding requirements. Many financiers look at firms with great credit while others look at firms with poor credit. A few financiers look strictly in firms with very higher earnings (10 million or even more ). Additional financiers concentrate on small ticket trade with gear prices below $100,000.

    Financiers can fund equipment costing as much as 1000.00 and around 1 million. Firms should search for aggressive rental rates and search for gear lines of credit, sale-leasebacks & credit software programs. Take the chance to receive a rental quote next time you are in the marketplace.

    Merchant Cash Advance

    It isn't too typical of wholesale providers of make to take credit or debit from their retailers although it's an alternative. But, their retailers need money to purchase the produce. Merchants can perform retailer cash advances to purchase your produce, which will boost your earnings.

    Factoring/Accounts Receivable Financing & Purchase Order Financing

    1 thing is certain when it comes to factoring or purchase order funding for wholesale providers of create: The easier the trade is the better since PACA comes in to play. Each person bargain is looked at on a case-by-case foundation.

    Is PACA a Problem? Response: The procedure must be unraveled into the grower.

    Factors and P.O. financers don't give on stock. Let us presume that a supplier of create is currently selling into a few of local supermarkets. The accounts receivable generally turns really quickly because create is a perishable product. But it is dependent upon where the produce provider is really sourcing. In case the sourcing is completed using a bigger provider there likely will not be a problem for accounts lien financing or purchase order funding. But when the sourcing is done by means of the farmers right, the funding needs to be performed more carefully.

    An even better situation is when a value-add is demanded. Example: Somebody is purchasing green, yellow and red bell peppers from many different growers. They are packaging up these items and then promoting them packaged items. Occasionally that value added process of packing it, bulking it and then selling it'll be sufficient for the variable or P.O. financer to check at positively. The distributor has supplied enough value-add or shifted the item enough where PACA doesn't necessarily apply.

    Another example may be a distributor of create taking the merchandise and cutting it up and then packing it and then dispersing it. There might be possible here since the distributor could possibly be selling the merchandise to big grocery chains - so in other words that the debtors might well be quite great. How they supply the item is going to have an effect and what they do using the merchandise after they supply it's going to have an effect. This is actually the part that the variable or P.O. financer won't ever understand till they consider the bargain and that is the reason why individual instances are touch and go.

    What can be achieved under a buy order program?

    P.O. financers prefer to fund finished goods being lost sent to an end client. They're better at supplying financing whenever there's a single client and one provider.

    Let us say a produce supplier includes a lot of orders and occasionally there are issues financing the item. The P.O. Financer will need somebody that has a significant order (at least $50,000.00 or more) out of a significant supermarket. The P.O. financer is going to want to hear something like this in the produce distributor:" I buy all the product I need from one grower all at once that I can have hauled over to the supermarket and I don't ever touch the product. I am not going to take it into my warehouse and I am not going to do anything to it like wash it or package it. The only thing I do is to obtain the order from the supermarket and I place the order with my grower and my grower drop ships it over to the supermarket. "

    This is the best situation for a P.O. financer. There's 1 provider and one purchaser and also the seller never touches the stock. It's a automatic deal killer (such as P.O. funding rather than factoring) whenever the distributor reaches the stock. The P.O. financer will have compensated the grower for the merchandise so that the P.O. financer knows for certain that the grower got paid after which the bill is made. While this occurs the P.O. financer may perform the factoring also or there could be another creditor in position (either another variable or a asset-based lender). P.O. financing consistently is accompanied by an exit plan and it's another creditor or the firm that did the P.O. funding who will then come in and variable the receivables.

    The exit strategy is straightforward: When the products are delivered that the bill is made and then a person has to repay the purchase order centre. It's a bit easier when the exact same firm does the P.O. funding and the factoring as an inter-creditor arrangement doesn't need to be produced.

    Occasionally P.O. financing can not be achieved however lien might be.

    Let us state the distributor purchases from various growers and is taking a lot of different goods. The distributor will warehouse it and send it dependent on the demand for their clientele. This could be ineligible for P.O. funding but maybe not for factoring (P.O. Finance firms don't ever wish to fund goods which are likely to be set in their warehouse to develop stock ). The thing will consider the distributor is purchasing the goods from various growers. Factors understand that if farmers do not get paid it's similar to a mechanics lien for a builder. A lien may be placed on the lien all of the way up to the end buyer therefore anybody caught in the centre doesn't have any rights or claims.

    The notion is to be certain the providers are being paid since PACA was made to guard the farmers/growers from the United States. Further, if the provider isn't the end grower subsequently the financer will have no way to know whether the finish grower gets compensated.